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Prior Year Tax Return

Prior Year Tax Return Filing Tips for U.S. Taxpayers with late taxes. This article has valuable information on how to file prior year tax returns.

Prior Year Tax Return Filing Tips

If you had problems filing a prior year tax return on time, there is no reason to panic. You can still sort everything out as long as you know how prior year tax returns can be filed properly. In case you don’t know the specifics, this article will offer some useful tips to help you on the way.

Don’t Mess With the IRS!

When it comes to the IRS, filing a prior year tax return late is definitely better than never. Do not wait for the Internal Revenue Service to come after your prior year tax return. Being in good standing with the IRS is important, and it’s the law to file any prior year tax return. If you have not yet filed your prior year tax return, the IRS now considers it late.

Don’t Miss Out on Tax Refunds!

People who haven’t filed their prior year tax return may be harming themselves. After all, low income individuals and families are usually allowed various tax credits resulting in the IRS actually sending money in the form of a tax refund check. Yes, it is very possible that filing your prior year tax return may result in the IRS giving YOU money! In this case, failing to file your prior year tax return might result in you missing out on a lot of money that’s already rightfully yours. If you wait to file your prior year tax return, any tax refund money that you may qualify for by filing a prior year tax return will expire in 3 years, whereas penalties will not.

Avoid Late Tax Filing Penalties!

Penalties may sound like a scary prospect, but avoiding them will only make it scarier with every month that passes and adds extra fees to your prior year tax return. Moreover, the IRS may agree to a compromise by allowing you to pay off the money you owe in smaller increments each month, but they won’t take kindly to anyone who doesn’t file prior year tax returns. If you’re the one who owes the IRS money, doing nothing can only make matters worse. Only by preparing your prior year tax return and filing your back taxes, can you hope for any resolution to this looming problem.

Don’t Wait! File Prior Year Tax Returns Now!

You may not have filed your prior year tax return on time, but the sooner you do it, the better your situation will be. The first thing on your list should be to find the help you need to get this done. Tardy Tax is here to help you. With our website, you file your prior year tax return online without ever having to talk to the IRS. Our online tax preparation software specializes in guiding you through filing late taxes, and it all can be done online often in as little as 10 minutes. You won’t have to wait for a CD Rom to be mailed to you, and you don’t have to download any software onto your computer. We ask you very simple to understand questions that you answer to complete the process of getting your prior year tax return ready to send in. You only need a valid email address to create an account with Tardy Tax, and you don’t pay until you see the final result of how much you owe or how much of a tax refund you’re getting with your prior year tax return.

If you haven’t filed your prior year tax return because you just can’t find a lost W2 or a lost 1099, we have good news for you! Tardy Tax can retrieve your lost tax papers, even if you’ve never filed a prior year tax return with us. Creating a Tardy Tax user account is the first step, and ordering your missing W2 or missing 1099 only takes a few minutes. It’s much faster and easier than trying to go to your employer and ask the HR division for copies of your old W2 or copies of your old 1099. Using Tardy Tax your copy of W2 and 1099 will be emailed to your inbox

We know that this is a hard task to get started, and we guarantee that using our system is the fastest, easiest and most painless way to get your prior year tax return finally finished. Sign up online TODAY with Tardy Tax and very soon you’ll be able to get your prior year tax return finally filed!


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